Springtime… , video, color, sound, 1:45 min, 2008,  link
  Non-Conversation , video, color, sound, 5:48min, 2016,  link
  Close Your Eyes… , video, color, sound, 1:08min, 2017,  link   Sound and sound mix: Leigh Smith
  Internal Ocean , video, color, sound, 3:41min, 2017,  link   Sound and sound mix: Leigh Smith
  Fluctuations , video, color, sound, 5:03min, 2018,  link   Sound and sound mix: Leigh Smith
  Four Conversations , 4 videos, color, sound, 2018,  link    Conversation #1 , 2:53min,  Conversation #2 , 1:49min,  Conversation #3 , 3:42min,  Conversation #4 , 2:05min  Sound mix: Leigh Smith
  Third Eye… , video, color, sound, 0:59min, 2018,  link   Sound and sound mix: Leigh Smith
  Sparkles , video, color, sound, 2:27min, 2019,  link   Sound and sound mix: Dragana Hajduk
  Metropolis , video, color, sound, 3:53min, 2019,  link   Sound and sound mix: Dragana Hajduk
  Spiral Down , video, color, sound, 1:41min, 2020,  link   Sound and sound mix: Dragana Hajduk
  Forgotten Landscapes I , video, 6:40min, 2020,  link
  Forgotten Landscapes II  ,  video, 3:50min, 2020,  link
  Forgotten Landscapes III , video, 2:45min, 2020,  link   Sound and sound mix: Dragana Hajduk and Milena Popov
  Four Seasons I , video, color, sound, 2:58 min, 2021,  link   Sound and sound mix: Misa and Olga Popov
  Four Seasons II , video, color, sound, 1:41 min, 2021,  link
  Four Seasons III, part I,  video, color, sound, 2:10 min, 2021,  link
  Four Seasons III, part II , video, color, sound, 1:54 min, 2021,  link   Sound: Milena and Misa Popov
  Four Seasons IV, part I , video, color, sound, 3:70min, 2021,  link   Sound: Misa and Olga Popov; Sound mix: Milena Popov
  Four Seasons IV, part II , video, color, sound, 2:41min, 2021,  link   Sound: Misa and Olga Popov; Sound mix: Milena Popov
  Solution-Dissolution , video, color, sound, 1:26min, 2022,  link   Sound: Misa and Olga Popov; Sound mix: Milena Popov
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